I started this website as I see a great opportunity in blockchain. Both short and long term.
In my opinion, the potential of blockchain technology is far from getting started. At this time ICOs are mainly a way of gathering funds for different projects. The current developments of cryptocurrecies and ICOs are barely starting to reveal the potential of what blockchain can do.
The vision of blockchain taking humanity to new heights of evolution is something that I believe in. Or better said: I know it is in our grasp. There are only a couple of things that are standing between now and this possible future. Time and how well intended we (humans) will harness the power of blockchain.
Blockchain and smart contracts removes the need of third party. A third party that traditionally is used to secure the transactions and execute the contracts/agreements. And because of the benefits of this technology people are easily attracted.
With values like: decentralization, safety and trust, it is naturally to bring people around it. We are naturally gathering around things that represent high human values.
We all know there are problems with this values being violated all over the world. Main cause being corruption, from my point of view. Otherwise we would not have so many problems with economy, wars and poverty.
While there is still a lot to go through and I don't think this technology will solve all problems of humanity, I believe that it can solve a part of them.
As I look into the future with my eyes wide open as a curious child, I think that the current phase is beneficial as well.
Among the hundreds of new ICOs, there are a handful that are going to make a difference. And since there are money involved mass adoption is getting faster and easier.
So, until the future of a better world for humanity uncovers itself, keep an eye on the ICOs that can make a difference. And why not invest into some of them? Both for the promised future and for your profit as well? I know I am doing it.
Disclaimer: all articles and reviews that you read on this website are my own opinion. I am not a financial advisor. I urge you to do your own research before buying any cryptocurrency.
Author Details
I am passionate about blockchain technology. I believe that we live great times. We have the opportunity to grab and make available for the future as much as we can from this potential. Until then, we can encourage the ICO projects that can bring value.