ThunderBoltCoin as a spearhead against sustainability issues
We live in an era in which electricity consumption is involved in problematic situations. The token presented in www.Thunderboltcoin.io challenges one of humanity’s greatest problems, sustainable life for the planet. At present, energy generation from renewable sources and recycling is scarce.Over the last few decades and increasingly, we have witnessed multiple initiatives that seek to solve the environmental problem. Sometimes through clean energy investment mechanisms, sometimes through traditional cleaning and collection initiatives (mostly local volunteerism).
Also, on the web, we find campaigns and platforms that promote a stay on the planet more sustainable. Recover the indispensable forest areas and a long list of tasks remains to be done. ThunderBolt presents another of the pillars for improving our practices and promoting a more sustainable existence. Access to efficient, innovative and cutting-edge technology without barriers to adoption - that’s the key to ThunderBolt and the TBC token.
Easy access to state-of-the-art technology with ThunderBoltCoin
The most innovative technology is not always applied to the domestic environment, sometimes it is reserved for large corporations and/or large-scale private projects. This is not the case with the ThunderBolt project, which offers innovative technology from the highly efficient power generator with Pelton RX-18 turbine; designed by the expert Antonio Romero. A milestone in A. Romero’s field of study that has proposed an innovative waste management and energy efficiency model.The project is based on advanced developments for waste management and energy generation. Generators, vehicles and a range of products that can pave the way for clean energy and sustainable practices. Despite the great technological advances of recent years, millions of people do not have access to electricity.
Another of the projects headed by the engineer and expert Julio Isgleas, which he has been developing for several years, with an optimal result, is based on a high-frequency resonator, which transforms frequency into motion. This induces on special coils, which convert high frequencies into energy, to charge the batteries, allowing it to be implemented in any device that consumes them, whether direct or alternating current. The system is prepared to save between 60-70% of the energy cost of an electric motor. The resonator will be induced by a solar plate, as energy consumption is very low.
The most viable solution could be to obtain an economic, efficient and sustainable source of energy to which we all have access. However, the obstacles and difficulties are evident due to the linear economy, production, and recycling model. The technology presented in the project linked to the TBC token proposes a synergy between them. Encouraging the tendency to use recycled materials from waste and reuse of raw materials.
The Ethereum network chosen as the native ecosystem of the TBC token
Today, we are not surprised that innovation, research, and clean technology projects adopt the blockchain. The trend towards the adoption of blockchain as the basis for the monetization of businesses and initiatives continues. An innovative and daring project like ThunderBolt deserves a contrasted blockchain. Research and development (R&D) are eternally linked to the technological field and the fusion of both gives rise to the project.In the universe of the blockchain, we find two walls that are still pending to be demolished; complicated walls, such as adoption and ease of use for unversed users. In this respect, the sector improves through the simplicity provided by Ethereum and the programming of intelligent contracts with Solidity. The latter, the programming language, and configuration of intelligent contracts in the Ethereum network facilitates the creation of the ThunderBolt Coin token and compatibility with multiple decentralized ecosystems.
Ethereum is the most adopted, secure and proven smart contract blockchain network to date. An unquestionable choice to offer the highest possible token operating capacity. This and other details may favor decentralized adoption of innovative and sustainable technology.
Details on the launch and distribution of the TBC token
The TBC token is issued under the conditions listed below. A maximum of 6,000,000,000 TBCs have been created. The price of the token we recommend to consult the official website www.Thunderboltcoin.io because it depends on the phase of acquisition. The distribution of tokens created in the Ethereum network is based on the following proportions:- 50% total combined quantity of tokens intended for the pre-sale and initial sale.
- 20% are allocated for project founders, management and operations.
- 15% is the proportion allocated to research and development (R&D).
- 10% is the amount allocated to marketing and promotion.
- 5% reservation of the ThunderBolt project.
The range of products that drive the TBC token towards global sustainability
On the website www.Thunderboltcoin.io, you can get information regarding the complete range presented among which you find a machine called Taurus 10,000. Capable of disposing of up to ten tons of waste per day. It is presented as the first part of the list. There is no doubt that the accumulation of waste both on land and at sea is a global problem. Including an entire market that hosts the monetization of “landfill countries” whose environmental situation begins to be critical.Taurus 10,000 could be the solution for waste management in distant situations to be sustainable.The prototype of the Taurus 10,000 system has been verified, approved and the results of its production have been documented both by video and by an expert report created by an official laboratory in the Czech Republic. The results were so positive that we can start with the production of series.There are already several orders for the Taurus 10,000 machines and to be able to establish the production plant we start now with the pre-sale of the TBC in order to generate the necessary funds for the construction of the plant.
The second product launched by the project listed in the listing found on the website is an electric motorcycle. The OPTYMUS, ThunderBolt motorcycle is presented as a 100% electric vehicle that incorporates an RX-18 engine; the motorcycle’s range is between 150 and 200 kilometers, with a single charge. The global adoption of electric vehicles is proceeding slowly; most manufacturers are opting for hybrid vehicles. ThunderBolt presents fully electric motorcycles that can be exchanged for
the TBC token, so the use and adoption cases seem to have been thought up in detail.
State-of-the-art technology at home with ThunderBolt
A change of trend experienced by the sector is taking blockchain technology to more and more everyday areas. Crypto coins or tokens are generally associated with financial speculation. A trend that changes with great speed. During the bearish market experienced in 2018, much of the crypto coins or tokens with dubious utility were screened. This cleaned up a market full of new projects and generated a level jump.With proposals like TBC, projects of dubious innovation have every day more complicated to enter the competition in favor of projects elaborated and supported in true utility. In terms of sustainability, much is expected of large companies and production chains. At the same time, global energy demand can become an early problem. The innovative Green Pegasus electric boiler, capable of optimising energy costs in homes, can also be purchased with TBC tokens. These and other products will form part of the created ecosystem, generating use cases and utilities for the ThunderBoltCoin token.
Link web:
TBC social network links:
Telegram - https://t.me/thunderboltcoin
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/thunderbolt.coin.5
Twitter - https://twitter.com/coin_thunder
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/thunderboltcoin7/