#TheFaustFlick & the Film Business Buster™ Smart Contract
#TheFaustFlick, a
comedy film, joins the Ethereum blockchain through a Security Token Offering. An audacious move by estudiosamazonia; their White Paper is a sound business plan
backed by an impressive and an in depth market research which latent opportunity
is impeccably outlined as follows: 8.3 million Hispanics frequent moviegoers in
the U.S. (go to movies once a month or more) who yearn to see good stories they
can relate to and familiar faces playing roles they can identify with, spent as
much as $2.3 billions at the U.S. box office alone, year after year.
This comedy film is to be produced in
Argentina and Venezuela and initially distributed in the U.S. in two different
language versions; the first one with 80% of the dialog in Spanish and the
remaining in english; and the second one with 100% of the dialog in English. In
both cases English will be enunciated, not dubbed. All this via the Film
Business Buster™ Smart Contract which will grant TheFaustFlick (TFF) and
FilmBusinessBuster (FBB) Token holders:
to the screenplay, celebrity letters of intent and all the project financial
Voting rights on five (05) critical financing gates enabling the successive
film-making process and/or film business cycle stages.
Receive in perpetuity the net profits from #TheFaustFlick´s multiple revenue sources as well
as all other future film projects.
highly talented but industry-excluded screenwriters to submit screenplays for estudios amazonia to
review, select, executive-produce and co-produce according to a predefined
criteria, including story quality, film budget and their target market-audience
opportunity, among other elements later to be published.
The code for the Film Business Buster™ Smart
Contract will be open and available for anyone to review at github.com/estudios-amazonia/FilmBusinessBuster.
The rise of new technologies and the growth of independent financing.
In the last ten years the number of
electronic devices per household has grown ostensibly, as a result, most people
are nowadays more interconnected than ever. Within this digital reality,
electronic financing has grown significantly over the last four years.
Independent film producers could adapt and transform themselves by leveraging
this financial revolution by joining blockchain networks.
It is evident that estudios amazonia has taken a
quantum leap into this digital space with #TheFaustFlick and the Film Business
Buster™ Smart Contract. The Orange Economy,
or cultural and creative industries, such as the Independent film-making, can
appropriately empowering their stakeholders through an open, verifiable and
auditable Smart Contract, enabling and increasing Win-Win business
It is not a surprise therefore, that highly
effective professional teams with visionary and feasible projects have recently
issued with tremendous success Initial Coin Offerings (ICO), Initial Exchange
Offerings (IEO) or Security Token Offerings (STO).
Smart Contracts
modernize and automate the independent film-making and film business process
through transparency and engagement with its stakeholders.
The film-making and film business process
goes through at least sixteen (16) fully identified and auditable stages. The
Film Business Buster™ Smart Contract,
conceived and developed estudios
amazonia, will provide a platform to Tokenize future
films, thus becoming the first film producer in leveraging blockchain networks
to optimize an existing and highly lucrative business model. #TheFaustFlick
opens the gate for film production and distribution, thus strengthening the
digital ecosystem with tested and proven sound value propositions.
The initial values
of the TFF Token and the FBB Token adopt Ether as the unit of account.
It is a common method among ICO/IEO/STO in
the crypto space and estudios
amazonia understands how this financial ecosystem
works. By setting the initial price in Ethereum (ETH), a step is taken towards
the adoption of technologies and their properties. During the Presale and the
STO the value of each TFF Token and FBB Token is set at 0.01 ETH, before the
applicable discounts, with a minimum contribution of 1 ETH during the Presale
and 0.15 ETH during the STO.
During Presale (April 2019) there will be
500.000 TFF Tokens available with a 50% discount. During the STO (May, June and
July 2019) there will be 2.000.000 TFF Tokens with an initial 25% discount,
down to a 10% discount at the end of this period.
#TheFaustFlick will be the first film
project managed within the Film Business Buster ™ Smart Contract. TFF Token
maximun supply will be 10.000.000 divisible units; respectively, FBB Token
maximun supply will be 1.000.000 divisible units.
TFF Token holders will receive in perpetuity
their share from the 90% of net profits from #TheFaustFlick multiple revenue
sources. Additionally, FBB Token holders will receive in perpetuity their share
of 10% of the net benefits of this film and of all New Film Projects that will
be reviewed, selected, produced and/or co-produced by estudios amazonia.
A 2-minute film teaser of #TheFaustFlick,
produced with a stringent budget but with the passion of more than 30 people,
is available at thefaustflick.com/#Prototype.
It is estimated that during the 90-minute film production at least 300
professionals will get involved.
amazonia chose the Ethereum Network for their Smart Contract platform. The
following contract addresses are available on their respective websites.
TFF Token Contract Address: https://etherscan.io/address/0x349c9A0AFbe8C8e08a6bD8A2E925f9EC5aE7d2C9
FBB Token Contract Address: https://etherscan.io/address/0x29fb4CEe43155bAAB885897f0e96B1F0572a1E86
#TheFaustFlick & the Film Business Buster™
Smart Contract Legal Framework
projects are regulated by the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela´s National
Superintendence of Crypto-Assets and Related Activities, or SUNACRIP (acronym
in spanish), ascribed to the People's Power Ministry for Industries and
National Production, and it is in full compliance with the Crypto-Assets
Integral Systems (CIS) Law, issued by the Constituent National Assembly on
November 20th, 2018. All interested parties in TheFaustFlick Token and the
FilmBusinessBuster Token must download, read and understand #TheFaustFlick and the
Film Business Buster™ Smart Contract WHITE PAPER, both available at
TheFaustFlick.com, FilmBusinessBuster.com and estudios-amazonia.com.
Contact Information and relevant links
email - tff@TheFaustFlick.com
& fbb@FilmBusinessBuster.com
Company Website - https://estudios-amazonia.com
#TheFaustFlick web - http://TheFaustFlick.com/
Film Business Buster™ Smart
Contract White Paper- https://estudios-amazonia.com/FilmBusinessBuster_WP.pdf